What people are saying:
I took some tips and tricks from Meghan Murphy's recent posts; the results? Not one, but THREE interviews this week!
I adjusted my resume and really loved your idea of Skill: type bullet points. The head of recruitment from my previous role reviewed my resume and said he always preached against that—but my resume changed his mind! He says it looks really polished and takes the guess work out. Thank you again for the wonderful feedback 😊
— Whitney
My Human Design reading with Meghan was very intentional. It opened my eyes to my unique work style and helped guide my career choices. It's helped me to feel more confident as a leader and strengthened my direction towards my professional goals.
— Michelle
Receiving feedback from someone who has seen thousands of resumes is invaluable. It's a quick, straightforward process, but will take your resume leaps and bounds ahead of its current state. Incredible feedback from tiny tweaks to complete revamps that will bring additional confidence when applying for roles.
— Davis
If you get the chance to work with Meghan, take it! ... I wasn’t looking for a career coach, but I accidentally found Meghan and decided to speak to her. I didn’t know what to expect and when we first spoke, my brain was so scattered but that quickly passed. With a calming voice, she asks challenging, thought-provoking questions that help view & interpret situations in new ways. She is positive, empathetic, and an outstanding communicator. The time I have spent with Meghan always feels productive and leaves me feeling empowered and motivated. I truly value her and feel grateful to know her.”
— Marsha
I was dreading my job everyday and feeling lost, unsure of what to do next. I was lacking confidence and direction. Meghan helped me realize that I'm capable of doing what makes me feel fulfilled and I don't have to be stuck in a specific path. The concept of innate value has stuck with me.
“Working with Meghan as a coach is for those who are serious about making life changing transformations that project them into true authentic clarity of their vision. After working with her regularly I noticed dramatic productive shifts for myself based on inquiry into how my own ideas can be utilized into my week to enhance my work flow. She keeps the rhythm of the sessions in the direction based on what she intuitively sees I am asking for, which helps with those moments when I want to go in all directions. I appreciate her attention to detail, focus and ability to hold a safe container for me while I work out any blocks of what could be holding me back in my inability to stay on task and focus.”
— Evelyn
“Reach out to Meghan Murphy... just do it. I didn't know what I needed from our time together, but I knew I needed something. Within 5 minutes, Meghan had identified the exact thing we needed to work on; it was organic and real. Never did I feel like I was talking to a recruiter or a coach; this was a human connecting and understanding another human. She helped me to see the full picture of what I really want, need, and more importantly... deserve. I am so grateful to have worked with such an incredible person and found immense value from her coaching. Don't short sell yourselves; talk to Meghan to uncover your passion and potential.”
— Tiffany
With Meghan's warm and friendly approach, we formed a rapid rapport and she helped me gain clarity about my career. You will feel comfortable being yourself, as if you've known Meghan for a long time!
— Steven
I updated [my resume] using your notes and I think it is a much better and more useful document. I've had a couple of others look at it since making modifications and all agree it is improved, clean, and represents me well. Thank you for your work on my behalf!
— Chris