Do you know your purpose?

For as long as I can remember, I have been vexed by not knowing what I want to do professionally.

In college, it seemed everyone had it figured out but me. My friends were so sure that they wanted to be doctors, lawyers, veterinarians - & then there was me, confident that I wanted to do something but not sure what I should do.

I fell into HR (as most HR professionals do) and quickly found my place in recruiting. I discovered what I love most is hearing from other people what they are passionate about. Though, for every person I talk to who loves what they do - There are about 70 others who haven’t found their professional purpose yet.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve been getting progressively interested in esoteric things like Tarot, astrology, and Human Design. Through my work with clients, I’ve realized that these tools can give us insight into careers that will be energetically and universally aligned for us.

My clients are passionate about pursuing their professional purpose, open-minded, and know that anything worth having will take work.

Does that sound like you? If so… ⬇️

Hi, I’m Meghan - A certified Career Coach + lover of all things esoteric.